Unwanted hair—something that millions of men and women have struggled with day in and day out for years, but now, a revolutionary new treatment has changed all that…introducing Laser Hair Removal. Do you find yourself constantly aware of and oftentimes embarrassed by your visible, unwanted hair? Do you spend an inordinate amount time trying to remove it? Are you ready to find a better alternative? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then Laser Hair Removal may be just the treatment you’ve been searching for. Why continue to struggle with sharp razors, messy waxes or painful tweezers when a safe, fast and effective alternative is now available. With just a series of laser treatments, you can say goodbye to your temporary methods of hair removal once and for all.
Due to groundbreaking advances in aesthetic laser technology, Laser Hair Removal has quickly become one of the most popular non-invasive aesthetic treatments undergone by both men and women today. Unlike temporary hair removal methods, that either rip hair from the hair follicles or remove hair from the surface of the skin, Laser Hair Removal targets actively growing hair follicles and renders them inactive. During the laser treatment, a highly concentrated beam of laser light is directed over the treatment area. The light energy passes through the outer layers of skin and is attracted to, and absorbed by, the hair follicles below. The laser energy transforms into heat and this heat cauterizes and disables the actively growing hair follicles, preventing re-growth.
There are several lasers on the market for effective hair removal, depending on hair type and skin tone, different lasers are used for different individuals. The three most widely used lasers for effective hair removal are the Alexandrite, Nd: YAG and Diode lasers. The Alexandrite laser utilizes a 755nm wavelength; this shorter wavelength is ideal for those individuals with light skin tones and dark hair. With its 1064nm wavelength, the Nd: YAG laser is designed specifically for those with darker skin tones. The longer wavelength helps to better distinguish between hair color and skin tone. The Diode laser utilizes an 810nm wavelength; while this laser can treat all skin types, it is best on those with fair to medium skin tones.
While this revolutionary technology has helped millions remove unwanted hair, it is not a process that can be undergone by everyone. No matter your skin tone, this revolutionary treatment will get you the safe, effective hair removal results you’re looking for; however, there is currently no laser on the market that can treat white, gray, red or blonde hair. The laser technology design is simple: laser light is attracted to pigment. Those with brown and black hair get fantastic results because their hair follicles contain pigment; those with lighter hair colors do not. Knowing if this procedure is right for you is just the first step in the hair removal process. If you want to throw away those razors, tweezers and wax strips for good, discover if the revolutionary Laser Hair Removal procedure is right for you and finally see how easy it is to be hair free.
