Laser Hair Removal Treatment is a procedure that more and more men and women are undergoing in order to remove embarrassing unwanted hair. This revolutionary process works to reduce unwanted body hair permanently. While this procedure looks simple and straightforward on the surface, there are many different variables involved that could affect the overall outcome of the treatment. Because of this, it is suggested that all individuals carefully research the different kinds of technicians, equipment and procedures that area available. By doing this, you can ensure that you are getting safe, effective treatments that provide results.
Laser Equipment Used for Treatments
The most important aspect of the laser treatment is the laser being used. As technology has progressed, several different lasers have been developed, each are made specifically for individuals with certain skin tones. It is important that patients know the difference between lasers so that they can be sure to undergo treatments with the proper equipment. The following are the most widely used aesthetic lasers for the Laser Hair Removal Treatment.
- The Alexandrite Laser: The Alexandrite laser utilizes a shorter wavelength (755nm) which is best suited for patients with lighter skin tones. This laser works best on individuals that have a pronounced contrast between their skin tone and hair color. The Alexandrite is best suited for those with darker hair and lighter skin tones.
- The Nd: YAG Laser: The YAG laser utilizes a longer laser wavelength (1065nm) and is best suited for those individuals with darker skin tones. Darker skin tones make for less of a contrast between hair color and skin color, therefore the longer wavelength of the YAG laser is designed to specifically target unwanted hair without damaging the surrounding skin.
- The Diode Laser: The Diode laser has a wavelength of 810nm and can be used to treat most skin tones. It is best for those with medium skin tones and those with tanned skin. While it is safe to use on darker skin tones, it is suggested that those patients with darker skin tones undergo treatments with a YAG laser in order to see the best results.
While the laser treatment is relatively fast, the lasers that are used can get very hot, so if the skin is not properly protected, patients could see temporary skin damage in the form of a burn. Because of this, many lasers come equipped with a cooling device that helps to cool and protect the skin. A cooling gel or spray is often emitted milliseconds before the laser pulse in order to give the skin a buffer. Technicians will also utilize ice or cool wash cloths to further protect and cool the skin. With cooling devices in place, patients can see positive results with out any negative side effects.
Laser Hair Removal Treatment can be extremely effective, provided that patients undergo a series of treatments that are evenly spaced. Evenly spaced treatments will help to target actively growing hair follicles so that they may be effectively destroyed. A series of six treatments is the average number of treatments needed by any individual. For unwanted hair removal that lasts, laser hair removal is the way to go.
